WHAT HAPPENED IN SEDALIA: ROYCE MARTIN IN RECITAL (Scott Joplin International Ragtime Festival, June 1, 2024)

Young Royce Martin of St. Louis is a phenomenon. Soft-spoken and reserved in person, he is an audacious explorer at the keyboard. He reminds me happily of Dick Hyman and Dick Wellstood: there is no greater praise.

Here is one of his solo recitals at the fiftieth-anniversary Scott Joplin International Ragtime Festival in Sedalia, Missouri, on June 1, 2024. The songs are KING PORTER STOMP / HELIOTROPE BOUQUET / ECHOES OF SPRING / TEMPTATION RAG / CHARLESTON RAG / LILY QUEEN / THE ENTERTAINER / Royce’s own SWAGTIME.

Surprises, lyricism, and imagination:

And here’s my review of Royce’s truly fine debut CD:

And his website. He is a spectacular player with a deep musical worldview: catch him now so you can savor his daring and impress your friends!

May your happiness increase!

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