Daily Archives: February 15, 2011

LOVE IS IN THE EAR (Feb. 13, 2011)

Because it was The Night Before Valentine’s Day, the EarRegulars played amorous jazz at The Ear Inn (326 Spring Street, Soho, New York City): they were Chris Flory, guitar; Charlie Caranicas, trumpet / fluegelhorn; Dan Block, tenor / clarinet; Lee Hudson, bass, romping through Irving Berlin’s THE BEST THING FOR YOU (WOULD BE ME). 

Better than a heart-shaped box of chocolates or a paper-wrapped bunch of cut flowers (the latter is seen crossing the room early on in this video).

As Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle told us, Love will find a way!


You’ll enjoy Andrew J. Sammut’s new piece, TURN UP THOSE FOOTNOTES! (published in ALL ABOUT JAZZ) where he discusses our fascination with “geniuses” and “stars,” how worthy musicians don’t get their deserved attention. 

Read it here: http://clefpalette.wordpress.com/2011/02/15/my-piece-on-all-about-jazz-turn-up-those-footnotes/

And here’s some appropriate soundtrack music:

That’s “jazzgirl1920s” dancing, with Elgin movements in her hips (and a twenty-year guarantee).

Catch the stomping piano chorus by Alex Hill before the incendiary stop-time episode!

If Andrew wanted to embark on a series of Forgotten Heroes and Heroines, he could spend a long time — rewarding for readers, however!