Daily Archives: February 6, 2009


Really, do I need to say more?

All right.  Singer Ronnie Washam will be leading her friends (and they are!) in another evening of heartfelt swing — downtown at the Greenwich Village Bistro on Carmine Street from 9 PM.  Her friends?  None other than Sam Parkins, pianist / singer Peter Sokolow, bassist Dave Winograd.

For details, check my post IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO PRAISE.  And make sure your datebooks are properly annotated for Tuesday night.  It will be one of the better, warmer places to be — emotionally as well as Farenheit.



“Who do you think is coming to town?  You’ll never guess who!”

The wonderful singer Dawn Lambeth is sneaking away from her California haunts to make a one-night appearance in New York City tomorrow night — Saturday, February 7with the Boilermaker Jazz Band.  She and the band will be doing it in style on the Upper West Side.  Here are the details:

Saturday February 7th 2009
334 Amsterdam Ave by 76th Street
swingremix feb09

Swing Remix Extravaganza is Saturday February 7th 2009 at our brand new venue, the JCC on the Upper West Side at 334 Amsterdam Ave by 76th Street. Doors open at 7:30 general admission. Free beginner dance lesson at 7:45pm. Live band at 8:30pm, event ends at 1:00am.

Boilermaker Jazz Band

February 7th 2009 features the Boilermakers! who have joined us in the past with great Fan Fare! Band leader Paul Consentino will also be featuring singer Dawn Lambeth from California. She brings her lilting effervescent style to this authentic hot jazz, ragtime and swing ensemble. Read all about them here.

Dance Workshops
Swing Remix is featuring one fabulous workshop for Saturday February 7th with two fabulous instructors! Please note that we have a huge floor for these classes providing plenty of space for all attendees! Our special reduced price for online advanced sales is available only until NOON on Friday Feb 6th!

Workshop Schedule instructors: Maggie Moon and Paolo Pasta Lanna
6:15-7:30 LINDY HOP/SWING: Let’s get Crankin’ (Prereq: Swing/Lindy knowledge)

Workshop Pricing:
online: $16 Workshop, $28 workshop and dance combined. Available here for this reduced price thru Feb 2nd. Price may increase after that date.
at the Door: Drop ins: $20 workshop

Dance Pricing:
General Admission: $15 at Door, $13 in advance, $12 JCC members in advance. Doors open at 7:30 for general admission 7:45pm Free Beginner Lesson, 8:30pm Band begins.

DAWN LAMBETH might not be a household name to New Yorkers, but that’s something that can be fixed easily.  She is an engaging natural singer.  She doesn’t strain; she doesn’t overact.  She’s no clone.  She knows the changes (she’s also a swinging pianist).  Although she can romp along on something like “Let’s Misbehave” or make the parallel suggestion at a much slower tempo, “Let’s Get Lost,” I think her forte is what musicians used to call “rhythm ballads” — combining sweet sentiment with a medium-tempo swinging surge.  I’m so glad that she managed to sneak past the California authorities — who seem to have guarded her, kept her for themselves — to make this New York gig.  Dust off your Capezios, if you’ve got them, and join us!


Ricky Ricardi posted this lovely image of a radiantly happy Louis — surrounded by an audience hanging on his every word — on his extraordinary blog, “The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong.”  You can find it at www.dippermouth.blogspot.com.  It was taken while Louis read and sang “The Three Little Bears” during one of Eddie Condon’s 1949 Floor Shows.


I don’t ordinarily go in for such things, but I would love to have that photograph reproduced on a good-sized coffee mug: looking at Louis making other people so happy would make it easier for me to feel the same way, even when I know that the next thing I have to do is go to work!  Thanks, Ricky!  (And I am sure that this photograph will appear in his book on Louis’ later years — coming out in 2010!)

But who was Genevieve Naylor?  Obviously she was someone in the right place and she clicked her shutter at just the right time.  Here’s what I found — alas, from her July 25, 1989 obituary in The New York Times:

Genevieve Naylor, a fashion photographer whose work appeared in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, McCall’s, Cosmopolitan and other magazines, died of heart failure Friday at Dobbs Ferry (N.Y.) Hospital. She was 74 years old and lived in Dobbs Ferry.

Ms. Naylor, a native of Springfield, Mass., studied at the New School in the 1930’s and began her career with The Associated Press.

Photographs she made of life in Brazil on assignment for the State Department were given a one-woman show at the Museum of Modern Art in 1945 and led to her being hired by Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

Ms. Naylor’s late husband was the painter Misha Reznikoff. She is survived by two sons, Peter Reznikoff of Manhattan, and Michael Reznikoff of Tokyo; a sister, Cynthia Gillispie of Chicago, and two granchildren.

And from that obituary, the jazz connection becomes clear.  Misha Reznikoff was deeply and happily involved with the Condon crowd — I think he knew Louis as well — and there’s a photograph of him sketching on television while the band is jamming as a feature on the Floor Show.  So it would have been a natural thing for his wife to be there with her cameras and lenses . . . and we are so lucky that she was.

P.S., about an hour later: I kept returning to that photo, each time with a lump in my throat.  Why does it move me so?  Then it hit me.  WE are those children. We warm ourselves at the light of Louis every time we see his image, hear him sing, or play, or talk.